Spring is a time to transition to more external contemplation. To have us focus on Mother Nature awakening from her winter slumber. Spring is a time to see the magic and power of Mother Nature. A new blossom appears every day, and animals and insects become more active. The earth becomes more green, as plants start to leaf out hoping to catch every little bit of the sun's energy to help them grow.
Spring is a time for blossoming ideas. Ideas that spring into motion through the growing energy that surrounds us. It is a time to nurture the imagination of our children. It is a time to listen to their stories, their thoughts, and their blossoming ideas. Spring is a perfect time to explore the outdoors with your children. Going on walks and awakening all of our senses. Seeing the bright colors of new blossoms, feeling the gentle breeze, hearing the birds chirp at each other, and smelling the fresh-cut grass.
Spring is naturally a good time to set goals. Not just personal goals, but family goals. Goals to look at the bigger picture. Goals to teach our children about how everything is connected. That we are all equally part of "Oneness" that empowers all of us. Spring is a time to come out of our shell and nurture our connection with others. It is a time for curiosity through exploration and contemplation. Spring is a time for family activities after dinner, taking advantage of the longer days ahead.
Spring is a time to clean the dust and cobwebs, not only around the house but inside our minds. Letting go of old painful memories, procrastinations, and unhealthy habits, making room for our true selves to blossom. This all takes place under the curious eyes of your children. For wherever you lead they will follow.
So, with a spring in your step, lead your children outside and into this wonderful season!