I was lucky to grow up in a neighborhood with a greenbelt full of mature trees. Anchored into the earth with strong roots, they made for an amazing natural playground for the neighborhood pack of kids who were anything but anchored. We would try to climb them by day, getting scraped up from their thick bark. We would use them as a home base during epic tag games. We would just sit in their shade and catch our breath from all of the running and riding around. They would be our meeting place, a place where we would just talk, and listen to the rustle of the leaves and the birds who have made that tree their home that season. In the fall we would be playing in their leaves, from camouflage to cushioning, the leaves kept us busy and away from the TV.
Summer is a great time to sit and just observe the wonders of a tree. With their green and healthy leaves casting shade down for those looking for relief from the sun’s energy. How they are home to so many types of bugs, birds, and animals. How their roots help protect the earth from erosion, filter water, and share nutrients with the soil.
Did you know trees are a living air filter? They remove harmful carbon dioxide and other air pollutants and release nourishing oxygen. Trees are smart! They can communicate with each other via the release of natural chemicals that help signal if there is a harmful insect or disease around them. Trees are also the longest-living organisms on earth, some of them living up to 5,000 years old!
As a family, help support the wonders we call trees and forests by:
- Go walking in the nearest forest with your kids. Share the sense of “AHHH” with their majesty. Let your kids touch the trees, smell the trees, and look straight up through the branches of the trees to the beautiful sky above.
- Help plant trees around your house or community. Many organizations can help you engage in tree planting. Discuss what trees need to grow, like water, good soil, and sunlight.
- Use less paper products. Switch to paperless for any billing or communication needs if possible. Find used books, or use the library instead of buying brand-new paper books.
- Find brands that use recycled paper to store and ship their products.
- Buy wood products certified by the Forest Stewardship Council or other organizations committed to preventing deforestation.
- Limit the use of palm oil. Currently, palm oil production is a leading cause of deforestation.
For more resources on our environment and other keys to wellness go to:
For a great website full of tips on how to save the forests go to:
#obviousparening, #wellness, #environment, #family